Tuesday, September 7, 2021



Tuesday 7th September 2021

WALT summarise key ideas

Ngatu tonga (Tapa cloth)is used for newborn babies,rap up a loved one that has passed away,and a wedding for the first night.They use the tutu tree for the Ngatu you skin the tutu tree once they finished skinning it they soak it in water and use the ike (Stick)to flatten out the tutu skin.They use the skin for the feta'aki it splits into 2 pieces and they combine it and start banging on it again.They glue all of the feta'aki together and it makes one big Ngatu.On one table they put this type of fabric at the bottom and then put the feta'aki on top and on another table they have the tapa on the bottom and then another tapa on top that's the traditional way.It should take a few hours or a few days it depends on the size.They then start on the kupesi (the patterns on the tapa) they mark a number on how much kupesi there is which is known as langana.They roll out the ngatu to dry in the sun.There's one rule there always has to be one woman yelling out the instructions on when to go.Then the woman finish it off by darkening it.

Tongan ngatu - marking moments in time | Collections Online - Museum of New  Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa


  1. Hi Aaliyah, what an informative piece of writing. Thank you so much - I learnt quite a lot that I didn't know which is always great. Mahi pai!


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