Tuesday, August 24, 2021

pobble 365,work on writing,a dangerous pet


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It was a beautiful sunny morning the boys were just about to wake up to go hunting they saw some gray smoke and they followed it.It had seemed to be a dragon trying to get hunted down a man had chained the poor dragon down to the floor he had an bow and arrow in there hand the boys snuck up behind his army and shot them with there bow and arrow took the dragon somewhere safe where no one would find him a few weeks later they had a discussion whether they should keep him or not they decided to keep him it was hard to look after him but they managed just fine then he became there new pet


  1. Hi Aaliyah, I greatly enjoyed reading your writing. I think the idea of dragons are fascinating aren't they? Even though they are not real it seems easy to imagine they could be. I do think having them as a pet would be challenging! I'm not even sure what they eat! Mrs Cox and Alan

  2. awesome job Aaliyah


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