Wednesday, August 19, 2020

reasons why i don't like lock down

1. I don't like lock down because we can't see our friends at school.
2. We can't go to school and i like school.
3. You could catch covid 19 if you go outside and touch something.
4. you have to wear a mask and i think that they don't do anything because they have holes in it and also because i can't breathe underneath it.
5. You have to stay in isolation if you're sick and you can't go out.
6. You have to stay 3 feet away from people when you go to the shops or go for a walk to get some fresh air.
7. Also i have to do online work.
and those are the reasons why i don't like lock down.


  1. Hi Aaliyah, I agree with all your reasons why you don't like lock down. It's hard not seeing your friends and being able to do lots of things that you are use to doing. Hopefully it won't be for too much longer and we'll all be back at school soon.

  2. yeah i miss school now

  3. Theese are pretty good reasons why you don't like lockdown i agree with the face masks because you can't breath with it


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