Friday, July 31, 2020

how to make poke

first peel the bananas and put them into a big pot and add as much bananas you want. Then go to your kitchen or where ever you cook and add water add it till your bananas are covered. then let it boil up to 20 to 15 minutes. Once it's mushy take it off the oven and bring it to the bench. get a big bowl and put the boiled bananas into the bowl and squeeze it make sure you have gloves cause it's gonna be boiling hot add brown sugar and tapioca starch make sure it's mushy. Then get a spoon and start mixing it also ask another person to slowly add coconut cream. Once that's done add it to a tray and put it in the oven for as much minutes as you think it needs. If you want coconut cream on top of it then this is how to make it. put as much coconut cream and brown sugar then put it on to the stove or whatever and slowly mix it till it boils once it's done eat it and enjoy.

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